About Me!
My name is Bekah Howe and I LOVE TV shows and movies! For the majority of my life you could catch me sitting in front of the TV watching pretty much anything I could find to watch. I know, I know. I should have been outside running around and getting dirty but there's an important thing you should know about me...I was born a little bit different. In my right leg, I don't have a fibula(that's the bone in the back of the bottom half of your leg), nor an ACL, PCL, other structural tendons and ligaments, ankle, I'm missing 2 toes, and that leg was 1/3 shorter and my foot was smaller than my left at birth. Sounds pretty insane, right?
To help with some of the issues caused by missing all of those parts, the short leg, and little foot I had quite a bit of surgery; like I don't even know how many surgeries I have had in my life. A couple of the surgeries were to lengthen my little leg by attaching an external fixator, breaking the tibia, slowly pulling the bone apart, and then wait for the bone to grow back between the broken pieces of bone. It was an extremely painful process and I had that external fixator, or cage as I like to say, on 3 different times. Those times were when I was 2, 13, and 14 years old. To make it so I could walk, my foot was fused to my tibia so my range of motion is limited. As you can imagine, I spent copious amounts of time laid up, unable to move, and thus started my love of entertainment!
I want to share my love of movies and tv shows with others by providing a place to find fun, random facts about their favorite shows and movies. I may not be the best at remembering when all my siblings birthdays are (I'm the youngest of 10), but I sure can tell you off-the-wall factoids about celebrities, shows, and movies. I figured I might as well put my random knowledge to good use and sharing it with the world! So enjoy the randomness that is provided by this site!
**Featured pup is my dog Jett! He snuggles with me while I enjoy movies and shows! 🙂
My Top 5 TV Shows
"So anyways, let's get down to the nitty gritty."
~Nacho Libre